2015 The Governor’s Summer Reading Challenge at Discovery Academy

Dear Families,

As summer break approaches, you might be thinking about family vacations, trips to the pool, beaches, or parks, keeping children engaged in activities at home, and of course how to juggle it all!  Summer can also be a time to relax with books that your child finds interesting.

Research has shown that when students are not reading during the summer they lose about 2 months of learning. Educators call this the “Summer Slide”.

We, at Discovery Academy want to motivate everyone in our school family to read over the summer.  Children are being asked to participate in the Governor’s Reading Challenge. The QR code below links directly to website where resources and book lists are available.  In addition, each student will go home with these resources printed for you. If you are in need of books for your child to read, please contact me at dleja@crec.org or send in a note to child’s teacher.

Please consider donating gentle used children’s books.   Send them in with your child by June 16.


When school begins on September 2, send in reading logs with your child. There will be a celebration for all students who participated in the reading challenge in our new school!

Our challenge will be 500,000 minutes read by students from June 22- September 1!

 (That’s 20 minutes each day by every student)

 summer reading QR